Wednesday 10 February 2016



Anyone who has said "normal 22 year-old" obviously doesn't know what they are talking about and took that phrase off a quick google search and a Facebook post. Now, I don't know your background on One Direction, but I'll assume that you knew that all the boys auditioned for the xFactor as solo artists and later were formed into a group. Zayn, being young at the time (16/17) agreed to be apart of the newly formed pop rock group because that was his only choice at the time if he ever wanted to make it as an artist. Sure, he grew to love the other boys and the adoring fans but he felt he was being forced to portray someone he was not. When he auditioned for the show, he sang an R&B song. That's what he grew up on, and that's what was cool in is hometown. Although he loved being in the band, he had finally had enough of the pretending and just wanted to be the real him. So he quit One Direction to start a solo career as an R&B artist.

Originally, there wasn't supposed to be any hard feelings with the rest of the boys. Zayn truly wanted to remain friends with all of them, but obviously that had gotten really difficult. Niall, Harry, Louis, and Liam were all very close with Zayn while he was in the band, but when he decided to quit, they were feeling many mixed emotions. One of them being anger. They were mad that after all they had done together that Zayn would leave like they didn't have so much history. But on the other hand, they all saw and understood that he was very happy with his position. After all the emotions spilled there it was quite obvious that they would need some time between Zayn and the other boys. So of course the media has to get involved with rumors and accusations and annoying repetitions of bad One Direction puns ("looks like Zayn Malik found a new direction har har har"). That made things even more awkward. Plus, there was always behind the scenes things going on that no one knows about: calls or texts exchanged between any of the boys including Zayn.
Shortly after the split, there was a lot of twitter drama involving former besties, Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson, and an unknown greasy man who goes by the name "Naughty Boy". Zayn and Naughty Boy had developed a small friendship in the music studio after Z had gone solo (they were friends prior to the split but better now). They were enjoying each others company and were planning on maybe making a track together. Unfortunately, Naughty boy was only using Zayn for his fame so he could get his own name out there. Fans were on to Naughty Boy and took to twitter to get the word out. Naughty Boy (a 30 year old man) began taunting 1D fans on twitter (aged mostly 14-21) by saying rude things about the band and trying to rial them up about anything. The fans were then quick to insult him (which he did deserve for being such a lowlife) and called him names such as greasy, sausage, pig, nasty, ugly, and other fitting terms. But he would keep going back to bully the younger girls online like it was some game. Louis took quick notice his childish behavior and got into a twitter sprawl with him in order to defend the loyal fans. A feud was created and the two have hated each other since. This wrecked relations with Louis and Zayn when Zayn was eventually dragged into one of the twitter fights and called Louis by saying "remember when you had a life and stopped making bitchy comments about mine" Ok well first of all, something is off with the grammar there and second, that was a horrible thing to say you one of you (used to be) best friends.
                                                   ZAYN'S SHOCKING INTERVIEW

Eventually Zayn finally did dump Naughty Boy after the soggy taco leaked one of Zayn's songs for attention. There was a full roast where Zayn told NB to back off because "no one knows you" Ouch... Anyway, One Direction have been going strong ever since them. They released a single over the summer which Zayn tweeted out about saying he actually enjoyed the tune. He even exchanged nice words with Liam over the social media platform. The new 1D album came out in November (buy Made in the A.M. on itunes) and Zayn again remembered why he quit the band in the first place. In an interview he said that he really liked Drag Me Down but upon listening to the album's second single, "Perfect", he decided that he wouldn't be buying the album.

No one really knows where the relationship now stands between the boys and Zayn, its rumored that him and Liam kinda-sorta keep in touch, but who knows. One direction have started their 18 month well deserved break this year and will return together in 2017, while Zayn's new pop hit has just been released.

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