Tuesday 9 February 2016


   Here is some quotes to boost your mood

  • Do not look at your Watch and work
  • until you make the World to watch you
  • Do not stop believing

Say this to yourself whenever you feel listless and lethargic.
Observe the people around you

Do you feel that they are more motivated by you? If yes, then you need to try to understand these people. This includes the reasons why they are motivated and what they are doing about their goals. 

If, however, you feel that your peers are fairly satisfied with what they have and dont step out into the real world as much as you want to, then try to go out and meet new people. 

Attend random workshops and seminars on things you dont know about(there's plenty of these in every city in the world). This will serve two purposes. 

Firstly, it will help you identify your field of interest. Even if you dont see what you truly enjoy at first, you will have gained some knowledge on some subject which is always a good thing. 

Secondly, you will have met people who themselves took the initiative to come out of their homes and learn something new. So, its safe to assume that these people want to achieve something in life and are obviously motivated. These, my dear friend, are the people you want to hang around with.

Lastly, I completely disagree with the opinion that nobody is motivated everyday. Yes, there are ups and downs, but it is your daily motivation that sees you through all the troubles that you face. As you find your field of interest and the right kind of people, you will find that motivation inside you and you yourself will bring it out.

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